The time has come to start replacing the typical classroom with a blackboard, chairs, and tables in rows; schools are looking to replace regular classrooms with modern learning environments with the goal to energize students and teachers by bringing education to a whole new level. The prototype classrooms have larger than normal tables with movable storage units, or different shaped tables with dry erase tops so can students do their brainstorming that can be put together when students need to work on projects. This prototype classroom also includes monitors for students to display their content when working in groups, speakers placed around the classroom to better project the teachers’ voice, to even charging stations with AC and USB outlets so that students can easily charge their devices without needing to bring extension cables that can pose a risk when they are laying around on the floor.

The benefits this transformation has is that it provides a more in-depth experience because as students walk into the classroom they are already more motivated, enthusiastic, and eager to learn because the room doesn’t feel like a typical classroom or ‘jail’, as students ironically refer to classrooms sometimes.
These classrooms can also be complemented with other technology, for example, virtual reality that helps to provide a really submerging experience helping students have better retention on what they’ve learned.